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STOP Getting Ripped Off By Fake Marketing Gurus

One of my biggest pet peeves that absolutely makes me sick is when someone interested in learning how to engage in internet marketing gets taken by a self-proclaimed GURU. There are literally thousands of “gurus” out there ready to take your money and feed you garbage information. These rip off artists” can be very slick, and are highly skilled in the business of emptying your wallet! Fortunately, with a bit of education, you can avoid being the next victim.

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Great Blog Marketing Tips and Tricks

Marketing your blog is not all that hard to do.

You just have to be persistent and want to succeed,  however if you want your blog to do well you cannot just put a post up and forget about it. You have to constantly update your blog and

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Getting Leads With Viral Trade Show Handouts

How To Get A Ton Of Leads With Viral Trade Show Handouts

Ok so you’ve put months into having your trade show booth designed. Now it’s finished and you walk around your new booth like a proud parent, NOW WHAT? Well your going to need floor marketing materials and promotional handouts to give to your prospects!

Where do you start?

The key to a great promotional handout for a trade show event is that it provides easy to understand short form information about you and your business or product. But if you want it to  stick, (not get thrown in the trash), it has to have something more than just information about your products or service.

One of the most effective ways to be sure your trade show booth handouts don’t get thrown away is to use

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Affordable Email Internet Marketing Techniques

Email marketing  is recognized as the single most effective method when it comes to low-cost Internet marketing techniques. This is because it is the most widely-used and has the best reputation in bringing highly targeted traffic to your internet properties. Its primary use is to keep your existing or prospective customers engaged with your brand, send out invitations, or make special offers. In this article there are a couple of things you may not know

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